Monday, February 15, 2010

Islamic law in America

The American people and the government officials charged with national security are deeply divided on the question of how to deal with the American Muslim community, especially since Ft. Hood. It's clear that we need some way to distinguish between Muslims who are not a threat and those who are. What follows is one possible step in that direction.

If we put more effort into prosecuting criminal activities such as sedition and incitement to violence (as in the Rushdie fatwa) that are based in Islamic law, we may be able to identify some of our enemies in the Islamic community. Before they shoot someone or blow something up.

All serious, committed and informed Islamists work to establish some form of Islamic law as the dominant law of the land wherever they live. This is not a matter of legal theory or an Islamist wish for some distant future. This describes a growing reality in the world now.

We can safely ignore, in the context of this issue, the Westernized or Muslim-in-name-only Muslims who are unaware of the thrust and content of Islamic law. If and when these Westernized or unobservant Muslims object to the illegal aspects of Islamic law, they will be told by the Islamic legal experts what the law says and then will either obey or be declared apostate. If they do not object to the illegal aspects of their religion, they are irrelevant.

Under any form of Islamic law, non-Muslims do not have political rights that are equal to those of Muslims. Islamic law governs non-Muslims as well as Muslims in any society dominated by Muslims. It demands the political subjugation of non-Muslims by Muslims and sets as Islam’s goal the overthrow of all infidel governments, by force if necessary (see the European Court of Human Rights case, Refah v. Turkey).

Therefore, every advance of Islamic law is a defeat for non-Muslims.

Our nation can continue to provide equality before the law to all citizens or it can allow Islamic law. It cannot do both. Islamic law cannot be a component of our democracy—it is a competitor, an alternative to our way of structuring society.

Given this deep incompatibility, Islamic immigration to America should be seen as what it is—colonization by a competitor civilization—and stopped. Osama bin Laden is correct and President Obama is wrong on this point—one must either choose to be loyal to traditional Islam or to America as it now exists. They are mutually exclusive choices.

Non-Muslim Americans must choose whether or not to allow an Islamic colony to grow in America—a colony whose leaders are not interested in assimilation, but in a separate and parallel society ruled by Islamic law.

Muslims could at any time purge their theology of its incompatible elements, but until then we should regard Islam as a competitor, not as a component of our society.

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