Saturday, March 20, 2010

Civil Wars

Some American Christians, reading the Bible, came to the conclusion that slavery was allowed. Other Christians came to the opposite conclusion after reading the same book.

A Civil War resulted.

Some Muslims, reading the Koran, believe that Islamic law, the body of man made jurisprudence that has grown out of the Koran over many centuries, is the correct interpretation. Other Muslims believe that Islamic law is stuck in the 11th century and needs deep reform, especially those doctrines about using jihad to achieve the imposition of Islamic law.

Those Muslims who believe that Islamic law is essentially correct as it stands are attempting, by means legal and illegal, to impose Islamic law on Muslims and non-Muslims wherever they can. The most violent among them intimidate and murder would-be reformers by declaring them apostate.

Proponents of Islamic law have correctly identified Western Civilization, with its regime of individual and human rights that conflict with those of Islamic law, as the most pressing threat to the spread of Islam. So the West has been drawn into the civil war within Islam.

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