Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two Questions

Who is the enemy our armed forces are fighting?

The majority opinion, held by nearly all mainstream media opinion leaders in America and Europe, most Democrats in America, most Muslims in America and Europe and nearly all European politicians is that the enemy is a group of common criminals who share a religion.

The better informed segment of the majority opinion describes the enemy as a jihadist movement, a very tenuously related group of Mafia-like organizations which use Islam as their rallying point but have very different political goals in different parts of the world.

I believe we are at war with all Muslims and Muslim-majority states who promote Islam as a political force based on Islamic law; a war between Islam and the non-Muslim world which has a 1400 year history. It is also a civil war within Islam between those who wish to re-impose the Islamic laws which have fallen into disuse and those who do not.

This war has two aspects: the shooting war and the ideological war. The shooting war will continue until we win the ideological war.

How do we know when we have won the war?

I have never heard anyone of the majority opinion on the first question give a satisfactory answer to this question. They continue to be puzzled by the fact that more “criminals” keep popping up as we kill and imprison others.

I believe we will have won this war when political Islam is as unacceptable as racism or slavery. The outward sign of victory will be a thorough reform of Islamic law. We will probably win the war in two phases: first in America and Europe, then in Muslim-majority states.

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